Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scales for Preschool Children
Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale
Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test
Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test
Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scales for Preschool Children
The HKCAS-P enables accurate assessment of a wide range of functions for preschool children suspected to have developmental problems. The assessment results help professionals to make referrals for treatments, training or educational placements, and to monitor progress and evaluate treatment outcomes. The development team included Dr Anita M-Y Wong from the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences.
More information about HKCAS-P can be obtained through https://www.dhcas.gov.hk/en/casp.html
Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale
The HKCOLAS is a battery of tests for evaluating the native oral language ability of pre-primary and primary school-age children in Hong Kong and is now widely used throughout the territory. The development team included Dr Carol K.S. To from the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences.
More information about HKCOLAS can be obtained through https://www.dhcas.gov.hk/en/colas.html
Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test
HKCAT is the first standardized Cantonese speech articulation test with norm reference on the acquisition of initial consonants, final consonants, vowels and diphthongs, and tones in Hong Kong. This assessment tool, for both children and adults, was developed a cross-institutional team of researchers including practicing professionals, funded by the Department of Health. The development team included Dr Dr Carol K.S. To from the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences.
More information about HKCAT can be obtained through https://www.dhcas.gov.hk/en/cat.html
ng Kong Graded Character Naming Test
The HKGNCT is the standard scale for assessing written literacy levels in Cantonese-speaking primary school children in Hong Kong. The test was developed by Dr Man-Tak Leung in the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences with professional colleagues and is widely used by speech therapists and educators.
More information about the HKGCNT can be obtained from http://www.speech.hku.hk/ccdhku/ccd-publications/